Sunday, June 22, 2008


I can't wait for the arrival of Wanted in theaters Friday. Looovvveee James McAvoy!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Current Crush

Arizona Diamondback First baseman Conor Jackson
Love his dark hair and strong jaw.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Tangerine Beauty Crossvine is Blooming

This is a great plant that survives with a great deal of neglect, which is why I love it so much. This semi-evergreen to evergreen vine is easy to grow. It attaches itself to most surfaces by tendrils and grows in just about any conditions. In the spring, my vine provides abundant tangerine blooms. I think it is supposed to bloom over a long season, but mine does not (probably because of the aforementioned neglect). I believe you are supposed to prune it annual to control growth, but I never have. I wouldn’t mind seeing it extend the whole length of the wall it is on. Although it would probably need more regular water than it gets.

It really is a shame I am not a better gardener. I really do have the bones for a nice garden; unfortunately, I also have a lazy bone that keeps it in quite a shabby state.

3.6 Pounds Gone (and hopefully never to return)

Yesterday was my weigh in day at WW, and I lost 3.6 pounds this past week. That is a lot of weight for me in one week. I started my week really well as far a tracking points go, but I struggled on Thursday, Friday & Saturday (which is normal for me).

I was pretty good today.

WW cake: 2 points (not exactly the breakfast of champions, but I was running even later than I normally am)
WW yogurt: 1 point
WW Smart One Mango BBQ Chicken and Orzo: 5 points
P. Farms Goldfish: 4 points
Dinner was a small piece of grilled chicken with corn and a small baked potato.

Absolutely need to think about trying to add some greens and fruits into the diet.

Water in-take was low today, only about 50 ozs.

I did track my Sunday points, but I have lost my scratch paper. The list was about the same with the exception of a lot more water.

Still missing exercise this week….have to make sure I hit the drill-sergeants water-aerobics class tomorrow evening.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Want....

Notes to self on things I have seen in catalogs and want:

Multi-Use Table from Home Decorators

Kyoto Kona 65" Entertainment Center from Crate & Barrel

Loop 54" Media Center from Crate & Barrel (although I HATE assembling furniture)

FLOR Modular Floorcovering - seems cool, if works the way it is advertised

Bell Trellis from Acorn

1930s Classic Curved Watch from Acorn (in both colors and both sizes)

Braided Garnet and Silver Necklace from Acorn (I don't so much want this as I want to try to make it)

SS Celtic-Knot Flower Ring from Catalog

SS Celtic Teardrop Earrings from Catalog

SS Claddagh Bangle Bracelet from Catalog

Blue Crinkled Blouse from Catalog

Taxes Finally Done

Yeah!!! My taxes are finally done. I have never waited so long before. I e-filed for the first time this year and it was great.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Points allowance: 27 (Weekly Bonus Points: 35) Points Used Points Left

Cheerios: 1 26
WW Bar: 2 25
Lean Cuisine S&S Chicken: 7 18
Goldfish: 4 16
100 calorie Chocolate Pretzels: 2 14
WW Bar: 1 13

Water Intake: 50 ozs.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Buccaneer's Booty Socks

Love this pattern. I haven't tried making socks yet, which is probably odd because I think every knitter knits a pair of socks as one of their first projects after they learn to knit. When I do socks, these are the ones I want to do.

Digested Less, Moved More

Today was a much better day food and exercise-wise than yesterday. I have not noted the use of any of my Weekly Bonus Points, but I am sure yesterday's dinner and dessert at Applebee's annihilated those.

Points allowance: 27 (Weekly Bonus Points: 35) Points Used Points Left

WW Yogurt: 1 26
WW SmartOnes Cranberry Turkey Medallions: 7 19
WW Yogurt: 1 18
100 calorie Chocolate Pretzels: 2 16
WW Bar: 1 15
HB Egg: 2 13
South Beach Living Pepperoni Pizza: 7 6
WW Ice Cream: 1 3

Water Intake: 72 ozs.

1-hour of water aerobics at gym

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Camera Justification

I have jumped right into to trying to justify my purchase of a digital camera that completely exceeds my needs. Below is a photo of a beautiful yellow flower blooming in the riparian area at work.

I even got a little fancy (and by fancy I mean pressing the little macro button that everyone who already owns a digital camera already knew about) to bring out the flower and blur the background. For one fleeting, but internally glorious, moment I totally felt like a Martha Stewart magazine photographer.

After my artistic floral endeavor, I took the camera to photograph the STG tennis team at a match. This camera is soooooo much better than my work computer. All but one photo was in focus and 3, yes a grand total of 3 (a new record high) photos actually featured a tennis ball, a tennis racquet and a student’s face!!!!

Even though in a few weeks time I will simply be using this expensive piece of equipment to photograph knitting projects for my Raverly notebook, I am well on the way to justifying this purchase in my head. And, after all, that’s all that matters.

Congratulations Rock Chalk Jayhawk

Even thought I completely blew my bracket this year I was somewhat happy to see the final game end up as Kansas vs. Memphis. I did have 3 of the 4 Final Four teams (UNC, UCLA, and Kansas - the fourth was Pitt), but my championship, like many others, was UCLA defeating UNC.

In my bracket pool (on I finished 1414 out of 2387 entrants. I was really hoping to finish in at least the top half. I don't really follow college basketball terribly close during the season, but I love having a bracket during the tournament. In last year's tournament I finished 462 out of 1070 (and yes, sadly I have that written down and saved).


Points allowance: 27 (Weekly Bonus Points: 35) Points Used Points Left

Cheerios: 3 24
WW Yogurt: 1 23
WW SmartOnes Sirloin Beef & Asian Style Veggies: 3 20
Medium Orange: 1 19
Applebee's Dinner (not from the Weight Watcher's menu) and dessert (also not from the WW menu) incalcuable amount of points

Veggie Servings: 2
Fruit Servings: 2

Water Intake: 83 ozs.

Exercise: blew it - home to late after pedicure and dinner at the mall with Holly.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Trying to Get Back on Track

I'm a fat girl and have been so most of my adult life. In January 2006 I decided to finally do something about it and joined Weight Watchers. For the first four months I worked the program religously and lost 40 pounds fairly easily. However after that the plateaus and frustration began to set in. I would workout and count my points but I would not lose much, and then the next week I would put a little back on. There was a point last summer (July & August 2007) where I had a break-through and added water aerobics classes to my regular workouts on the stationary bikes and lost nearly another 20 pounds. However in early September 2007 I got sick and was thrown out of my routine and when the baseball playoffs began I blew off working out in favor of watching the games and have never gotten into back in stride.

Now I am a great one for self-sabatoge, every time I got close to a weight loss milestone things would slow down and I would have trouble working the program. Since September 2007 I have put back on those 20 pounds and am back at a total weight loss of 40 pounds.

In an effort to get back on track I have decided to track online my food in-take and work-outs. I figure if I do it in this blog I have no excuse if I don't have my food diary with me and that is one less thing I have to carry around with me. So here we go......

Sunday is the day I weigh in at WW so I rarely eat breakfast before I go.

Points allowance: 27 (Weekly Bonus Points: 35) Points Used Points Left

WW SmartOnes Mac & Cheese: 5 22
Medium Orange: 1 21
WW Yogurt: 1 20
Saltine crackers and slice of roast beef: 4 16
Meatball Sub: 12 4
WW Ice Cream: 1 3

Water Intake: 82 ozs.

10.02 miles on stationary bike - 35.07 minutes, 15.7 avg mph